This film follows the daily lives of a group of people barely scraping by in a slum on the outskirts of Tokyo. Yet as desperate as their...
The action takes place in a city where you can live on only 100 yen a day. The "General", who indulged in gambling with his henchmen all day, he was...
The Lucky General
Naruse Uta is a "unique" 13 year old child. She possessed the talent to read sheet music even before she could speak, but has now come to the point...
A Japanese Class B war criminal sets out to take full responsibility for the execution of American Airmen.
Best Wishes for Tomorrow
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-san comic strip
Sazae And Aunt Apron
The Kitao family is coping with the loss of the eldest daughter, Chizuko, who was killed in a freak accident the year prior. When the other daughter...
Chizuko's Younger Sister
1962 Japanese movie
Heso no taisho
Kyojin-gun monogatari: Susume eikô e
Aspiring to an easy job as personal physician to a wealthy family, Noboru Yasumoto is disappointed when his first post after medical school takes him...
Red Beard
A collection of magical tales based upon the actual dreams of director Akira Kurosawa.
Based on the life of Hyakken Uchida, a Japanese author and academic. The film opens with Uchida resigning his job as a German professor at the onset...
A divorced woman enters a marriage arranged by her mother in exchange for money to save the life of her seriously ill son.
Japanese film based on the life of sculptor Eikichi Takahashi, who died as a soldier on Guadalcanal.
Sound of the Tide
Documentary made by Toho for the Masterworks reissue of all of its Kurosawa films. This one focuses on "Dodes'ka-den" (1970).
Akira Kurosawa: It Is Wonderful to Create: 'Dodes'ka-den'
Closed Ward
Hiroko, who has a weekly magazine reporter as her lover is assigned as a public health nurse in a remote village. However, there is widespread...
When the Flowers Bloom
Dramatic story of one man trying to make a difference.
Human Revolution II
With Ran, legendary director Akira Kurosawa reimagines Shakespeare's King Lear as a singular historical epic set in sixteenth-century Japan. Majestic...
A tragic love story set in a mountain village in the Showa era, waiting for a fiancé who died in the war, but it is more than that. It breaks...
SOAR: I Wish You Were Here