Tells the story of a Communist Party's early history during the turbulent era, examining the remarkable Chinese revolutionary leaders' zeal and...
A story about a father who discovers that he is terminally ill and does everything he can to make final preparations for his son. Fei Li lives inside...
In the puppet state of Manchukuo in the 1930s, four Communist party special agents, after returning to China, embark on a secret mission. Sold out by...
Cliff Walkers
"Demolition Squad" comprehensively "restores" Longhua City during the revolutionary period. Strive to reproduce the magnificent war scenes and show...
Blasting Squad
Anthology of short films directed by several different directors.
My People, My Country
A story of a businessman who accidentally boards a train bound for Russia with his mother and has to overcome difficulties with his mother and...
Lost in Russia
This anthology drama presents four short films honoring Chinese families, spotlighting the struggles of key groups across four pivotal eras: the...
My Country, My Parents
Li Mo and An Delie, who have very different personalities, become close friends because of soccer, but an accident makes Andrei disappear from Li...
My Friend An Delie