A passionate telling of the story of Sada Abe, a woman whose affair with her master led to an obsessive and ultimately destructive sexual...
In the Realm of the Senses
"Jealous" man-killer Mayumi (Hitomi Kozue) is sent back into solitary confinement after being re-arrested for the murder of the doctor who fingered...
True Story of a Woman in Jail: Continues
Joshidaisei: Môteru Utamaro asobi
A nurse is framed for medical malpractice. In prison she meets the boss of their cell who is in for a crime of passion. They both have a reason to...
True Story of a Woman in Jail: Sex Hell
Shinjuku, the city at night. Among the neon lights is Rika Togawa, the host of the club "Rika," which is dominated by women. With her natural talent...
Flower Queen Bee Sex Frenzy