A young man travels around in a truck while turning an 8mm camera. In his hometown in Kansai, he meets a high school girl. The film tells the story...
A Drifting Man and A Wandering Girl
In the slums of Osaka, various marginalized misfits have their own interpretations of love. Completely alienated from the outside world, they commit...
Noisy Requiem
White and grey, a big screen with noises and voices: we hear a man suffering. The film follows the hardscrabble day-to-day exploits of a nameless...
East End
A Tokyo psychiatrist is hoping to better his career by marrying the daughter of a prominent doctor. The match is threatened however when an...
The Enchantment
Ryuzaki, an editor of Muscle Magazine, which features photographs of men with sculpted bodies, becomes involved with a man named Kitami; their affair...
A teenage couple drive around improvising radio shows, following night stalkers and rapists or peeping on various sexual escapades, describing what...
Brain Sex