In this sixth installment, director Kudo enlists the help of powerful psychic Dogen , physicist Masahiko Saito, and idol Akari, to make a big movie...
Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi! The Most Terrifying Movie in History
Eighteen months have gone by and Kudo and Ichikawa are still lost in a parallel universe. When they vanished, a giant appeared in the sky above...
Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi! Final Chapter
A bus is driving along a straight road in the quiet countryside. At a stop, a creepy cross-dresser with a shovel gets on board. He immediately...
Crazy Road of Love
In 2030, TOKYO. A.I. assistant service robots for practical use are increasing in human lives. They are now able to support humans for schedule...
A.I. generator
One day, Mizuki Maehara, an actor, suddenly broke up with his girlfriend of five years, Midori Shimizu. With a single-minded desire to somehow get...
The Hardness of Avocado
On the bus passing through a quiet countryside, picks up a weird woman dressed man who turns out to be a cutthroat starting to kill the passengers...
A Beast in Love