The documentary covers the first two years of JO1, an 11-member Japanese boy band formed from the audition television program Produce 101 Japan. The...
JO1 the Movie: Unfinished - Go to the Top
The Igarashi siblings travel to the forbidden Area 666 to rescue airjacking victims (including their parents!) from the dangerous criminal known as...
Kamen Rider Revice The Movie: Battle Familia
The origin story of Nozomu Otani, a young man who inherits the powers of Kamen Rider Chimera from his friend Ryu Mukai. This special serves as a...
Kamen Rider Revice The Movie Spin-Off: Birth of Chimera
JO1's first online live in 2021, "JO1 Live Streaming Concert STARLIGHT DELUXE was held from 19:00 on Saturday, February 20th. The concept of the show...
JO1 Live Streaming Concert STARLIGHT DELUXE
A boy meeting his girlfriend's father for the first time. Visiting a hospitalized high school classmate. The last drink between a failed entertainer...
Meters Away, Worlds Apart