A film adaptation of the Last Nanto General story arc from the manga, depicting the final battle between Kenshiro and Raoh that led to Kenshiro...
Fist of the North Star: Legend of Raoh - Chapter of Fierce Fight
Wolverine faces his ultimate nemesis - and tests of his physical, emotional, and mortal limits - in a life-changing voyage to modern-day Japan.
The Wolverine
When Masaki find themselves at a bar owned by his friend Akemi and ponder the recent strange happenings. He later accepted a proposal from his old...
New Third Gangster
Pride 6 was a mixed martial arts event held by the Pride Fighting Championships. It took place at Yokohama Arena in Yokohama, Japan, on July 4, 1999....
Pride 6
Ultraman Shadow, Ultraman Zearth's most terrifying adversary yet, is brought to Earth by the murderous alien, Lady Benzen to be Ultraman Zearth's...
Ultraman Zearth 2: Superhuman Big Battle - Light and Shadow