Lee (Ng Cho-fan), who is the retired jewel thief the Black Cat Burglar, is suspected by the police in a string of burglaries. While fleeing from the...
Black Cat, the Cat Burglar
Chan Siu-hung is forced to become a prostitute, with the police following hot on her heels. Ching Chi-ko comes to her defence by claiming to be her...
The Seventh Heaven
The Ten Brothers return as the Lake Devil is plagued by a monster fish. To settle the old score, Marshal asks Shrimpy and his ten sons to exterminate...
The Ten Brothers Vs. the Sea Monster
A sick king instructs his loyal minister Luo Zhengqing to guide and install the crown prince as king after his death. However, the minister of the...
Lady Robin Hood
Showing off his love of visual aesthetics as a painter, director Dan Duyu combines elegance, exoticism and oddity into a grand big-budget package...
New Arabian Nights