The third installment in the "Landscape of lovers who are not anyone" series directed by Michio Koshikawa, which depicts men and women passing each...
Shoko Morimura (Aika Yukihira) is a 36-year-old single mother who has been in a "friendship" with Kazuki Kitada (Sho Aoyagi), whom she met again at a...
Sefure no Hinkaku: Ketsui
36-year-old Shoko Morimura (Aika Yukihira) is raising her daughter on her own while working as a temporary worker. At a high school reunion, she...
S-friends: Hatsukoi
Kasumi, a child welfare officer who has entered the child guidance center as a new graduate and has been in her second year, struggles to fulfill her...
Unraveling, Breath
Hazuki clips her nails every time it rains. She caressed 'her' with these fingers back then. Hazuki, an editor of a publishing company now, is...
When the Rain Falls
Last Ninja - Blue Shadow
Meguro, who works for the advertising design company, even with the marriage contract, is still in constant rendezvous with the fascinating wife...
Be My Master
When Suei was little, his mother had an affair with a young man who lived next door. Suei's mother and the young man killed themselves by using...
Dynamite Graffiti
There is a man who has many sex slaves. Another man offers his wife as a sex slave to him and the slave owner agrees. He adds the man's wife to his...
Up to You
Follows a group of female escorts who are living life as best they can.
Life: Untitled
Last Ninja: Red Shadow