A docudrama about the boxer Jôichirô Tatsuyoshi. The documentary part follows Tatsuyohi for 18 months, from his comeback from an eye...
Boxer Joe
A married man pretends to go to the office every day but instead he is going fishing.
Heartless Angler
The story of a teenage boy named Yu, who falls for Yoko, a girl he runs into while working as an "up-skirt" photographer in an offshoot of the porn...
Love Exposure
In postwar Japan, Godzilla brings new devastation to an already scorched landscape. With no military intervention or government help in sight, the...
Godzilla Minus One
A young man who's failed the Tokyo University of the Arts exam five times is jealous of a talented high school artist who eventually helps him unlock...
Last Judgement
Kenji Shimamura has trouble being intimate with his girlfriend Noriko after a lifetime of watching his parents bicker over his father’s...
Family Secrets