"Drop" tells the story of a boy named Hiroshi Shinanogawa, who grew up in the 1980s. He became inspired by the Be-Bop High School manga and decided...
A girl who loves reading stories about male romance wanders the streets of Japan fantasizing about guys.
Maiden Sorrowful Love Song-Fujoshi's Thoughts-
After Carlos, an impoverished teen from a fractured home, receives a desperate note from Sarah, a pen pal he lost touch with a year ago, he uses her...
Root Letter
Two female roommates were tormented by the vengeful spirits dwelling in their gothic-style, rented apartment, which contains an ornate centerpiece.
Room 203
Tobio Kurosawa (Ryuta Sato), who has been part of a manzai (stand up comedy) duo for ten years, finds himself in trouble after his partner Tamotsu...
Slapstick Brothers
Gaim: It begins on the planet Kouta and Mai reside. Suddenly a mysterious enemy appears, then heads for their friends back in Zawame City. What is...
Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Drive & Gaim: Movie Wars Full Throttle
This is a Special DVD episode of Kamen Rider Drive, and the fifth special in the Secret Mission series. This special marks the return and final...
Kamen Rider Drive: Type LUPIN ~Lupin, The Last Challenge~
Based on a delinquent battle-themed video game series - a high school senior named Takashi the toughest fighter at Rashin High School. When he...
Gekijô ban kenka banchô: Zenkoku seiha
Yuria discovered the pleasure of tying herself up in her university days, and resumes the pursuit in order to relieve work stress. She starts a blog...
Self-Bondage: All Tied Up with My Own Rope