Houtaro and friends are suddenly attacked by Glion. As they struggle against enemies that appear one after another from a space-time gate, they...
Kamen Rider Gotchard: The Future Daybreak
A special preview special released a few weeks before Kamen Rider Gavv's premiere, which revealed new details and unreleased footage featuring the...
Start Up!! Kamen Rider Gavv
The Director's Cut version of Kamen Rider Gotchard's final episode, "This is My and Your CHEMY×STORY". It will features new scenes not seen in...
Kamen Rider Gotchard Final Episode: You and Me, We've Got CHEMY×STORY - Director's Cut Version
In order to defeat the Granute, Shoma will use new Gochizo to transform into a new form and assist! These new Gochizo are the Kungfu Ramen Gochizo...
Kamen Rider Gavv: Gourmet Snacks and Woo!-mai Wakamen!!