A corpse of a clown is found in a park. Detective Shirataka Amane of Musashino Higashi Police Station begins investigating with rookie detective...
Hakutaka Shirataka Amane no Investigation File
Adapted from the bestselling Japanese autobiography of the same title, this gentle coming-of-age drama concerns an adolescent boy, Boku - Masaya,...
Tokyo Tower: Mom and Me, and Sometimes Dad
チーム・バチスタ第2弾 ナイチンゲールの沈黙
A boy genius named "Kadokawa" invents the ultimate anesthetic for SM play. Kadokawa's madness is turned into reality by his childhood friends Oyamada...
Yasushi and Yuka, who have both lost their spouses in the past, are brought together by fate and lead a happy life together, blessed with two...
Be yourself
Drive In California
Doraemon's Mother: The Story of Nobuyo Oyama
2001 Japanese movie
Kirei kamisama to machiawase shita on'na