Two-hour remake of the original 1st episode, in celebration of the anime celebrating 20 years in broadcast. The special retells what happened on the...
Detective Conan: Episode One - The Great Detective Turned Small
Moments before her upperclassman, Yoshihiko, left for college, Kana Orikura finally built up the courage to confess her love to him. Sharing their...
First Kiss Story
Fey, the beautiful and innocent daughter of a wealthy land owner, made friends with her maid Sophia and her friend John. But when she was sent to a...
Another Lady Innocent
The Aoi siblings, Aki and Sora, are as close as a brother and sister can be. But as Sora enters high school, he realizes that his feelings for his...
A compilation film of the Ansatsu Kyoushitsu TV series, featuring anime-only epilogue scenes not originally in the manga.
Assassination Classroom the Movie: 365 Days' Time
The anime adaptation of Key's visual novel Kud Wafter, which follows the romantic relationship between Riki Naoe and Kudryavka Noumi from the game...
Kud Wafter