Three factory workers in the countryside lead ordinary lives, marked by the melancholy of everyday life and by small, meaningful gestures. A...
Three Mornings
The handsome Tomoya is popular in class and is close to Sakinori's best friend, Ako. However, according to Ako, Tomoya is a "personalist". Despite...
Deep Tastes
Movie director Isora Iwakiri, actress Naoko Takagi, actor Yu Oinuma, actress Ryoka Neya, singer songwriter system, all, green, actor Rei Hirano,...
Dear stranger to you
Misa is an underground idol and being filmed closely for a documentary. One day, an owner of BDSM club "H" perceives Misa's potential and headhunts...
Safe Word
September 20th. Sunny. I wonder if it bugs me so much because I can't see it. I've gotten totally obsessed with finding out what's inside that bump....
Mitsuko and the Space Bump
School girl Miyuri Obara is bullied mercilessly but finds relief in an unexpected friendship with Tsumugi. Yet even as Miyuri's life turns around...
Girls' Encounter
Ai's mother sends her to live with a cult commune, where she remains for seven years. After the cult is broken up by the police, Ai struggles to fit...
Love and Other Cults
Hozumi is a doctor and he is friends with manga artist Soeda. They both like Asako who works at a tropical fish shop. Hozumi eventually gives up...
Between Men and the Gods
Tatsuya Ishii won the JFF Special Award at the Pia Film Festival Award 2018 for Subarashiki Sekai. Here, he chases the concept of true love through...
On The Road To Love
Twenty-three-year-old Neya Ryouka (Neya Ryouka) becomes an assistant director because she wants to be a film director, but she has been unable to...
How Neya Ryoka Became a Director
Ayako belongs to a small theatre troupe, and she is drinking at a bar with her friend Miki. Then, her boyfriend Tatsuo, who she is on the verge of...
Wolf na sissi
Documentary director Yuko portrays a school violence incident from three years ago that resulted in suicides, while she was teaching classes at her...
A Balance
Suzuki Rara is left behind in the countryside due to mischief. She becomes a YouTuber, goes both crazy and offbeat. Wearing an eye-patch, loose track...
Astral Abnormal Suzuki
Single mother Miyabi relies on her child idol daughter Kasumi as their only source of income – as a ticket to future financial stability. But...
TV producer Kei and her recently retired comedian boyfriend Yoshi are working to conceive their first child as they consider marriage approaching...
My Sorry Life
The story unfolds with the main character, 25-year-old Miu Komaru, who lives on the outskirts of Fukuya City. Miu, who is single and cares for her...
Ninja Girl