The story centers on a crocodile living a normal life, unaware that he is due to die in 100 days. The crocodile spends ordinary days with his animal...
A Crocodile Who Lived for 100 Days
Manga artist "Shinji Izumoto" has secured a movie deal. He should be celebrating, but he's going blind, his manga series has been canceled, and he...
While at the royal ball with Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood finds herself in the middle of a mystery. Can she solve the case before midnight...
Once Upon a Crime
Four years before Silent Parade (2022), Yukawa and Kusanagi investigate the murder of a writer after a video found in his possession piques Yukawa's...
Galileo: Forbidden Sorcery
Based on the feature-length novel "The Hound of the Baskervilles" written by Arthur Conan Doyle, which is the movie version of the TV drama...
The Hound of the Baskervilles: Sherlock the Movie
America ni Makenakatta Otoko - Bakayaro Souri Yoshida Shigeru
A haunted high school, surrounded by evil paranormal spirits, is home to this horror anthology tale.
Horror High School
Different people and five different families are acting out various scenarios, scripts and what-ifs. First there is the four Suzuki family members,...
Kazoku gokko
Shizuya thought that he had won the deadly battle with Kaifu, the fifth generation of Kishu-gumi, and put an end to the long-standing conflict, but...
Quiet Don 11
At an all female high school, a senior of the radio club becomes fascinated with the club's newest member. As graduation nears and the summer heat...
Schoolgirl Complex
In many parts of Tokyo redevelopment is afoot, and the cityscape continues to change at a rapid pace. While on the surface Japan is easy to live in,...
Tokyo Soda Water
Devastated at the death of her four-year-old daughter, a grieving middle school teacher is horrified to discover that her students aren't as innocent...
In a small rural town, a brother and sister goes missing and there's also a serial killer case involving woman as the victims. Mayu Misono (Aya...
A Liar and a Broken Girl
High school student Hatsumi lives with her mother. Her father passed away. She then meets 18-year-old Ryutaro who works at a waste paper collection...
Depicts a continuation of the "Battle of Mayang", an all-out war against the neighboring country Zhao that Shin and Wang Ki fought in in the previous...
Kingdom 4: Return of the Great General
In the year 2200, Naoki and Mayumi live in a luxurious floating residence in space. Outwardly the perfect couple, Naoki secretly seeks revenge on his...
Previously Saved Version
A 7 year love story between Ryota Hayama and Koharu Uemura from their first date to eventual marriage. Ryota and Koharu are high school students....
Our Meal for Tomorrow
Kanami is an apprentice pierrot and dreams of making people laugh. She falls in love with Yosuke who is a dialysis patient. He forgets to smile. To...
Crying Clown's Wedding
Kurumi suddenly gave up opening a cafe with her friend. She hears that her grandfather Takeshi collapsed and goes to visit him in her hometown of...
Kaze no Tayori
A medical team is dispatched to the patients on a helicopter to provide medical care in the field as soon as possible. One day, four young physicians...
Code Blue: The Movie
Kuki Fumihiro is a son from a wealthy zaibatsu (conglomerate) family. His father raises him to become pure evil. Kuki kills his father to protect his...
Evil and The Mask
Motherless boy Yujin is shunned by people around him because of his weird behavior. Only Naomi, his sister-in-law, knows Yujin's secret extraordinary...
Drop Anchor
Centers on three childhood friends in a love triangle. Yori moved back to the countryside, and started wearing glasses and not being noticed by...
That Girl's Captives of Love
Haruka Kawakura (Yuko Araki) is in the 3rd grade at a university. She is about to be hit by a car, but she is saved by company CEO Masayuki Makino...
Higashigaoka Junior High School is in turmoil as one of the pupils, Noguchi, who had been bullied, attempted suicide last term. On the first day of...
The Blue Bird