Lupin begins his heist by stealing a newly-discovered Japanese cultural treasure being transported to Germany. During his attempt to steal the...
Lupin the Third: The Last Job
Based on the real life events around Yevfimy Vasilyevich Putyatin, a Russian admiral noted for his diplomatic missions to Japan and China, and the...
Bakumatsu no Spasibo
The introductory chapter to the movie, Strong World, which depicts the events surrounding Gold Roger's execution.
One Piece: Strong World Episode 0
The 25 minute film tells the tale of an ailing elderly woman named Itako who encounters a fox named Okon. The story opens with Itako lying...
The Magic Ballad
Set after the 1988 OVA movie Red Shoulder Document: Roots of Ambition and months before the events of the VOTOMS television series, Pailsen Files...
Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Pailsen Files The Movie
Tokyo: a city populated by both humans and ghostly beings. They exist in both dimensions, seen and unseen: spirits, apparitions, demons. The balance...
Karas: The Prophecy