A short drama that depicts the world of Edogawa Rampo's popular novels filled with the bizarre and fantastic in an omnibus format. This omnibus drama...
Rampo - Bewitching Women
Heizo's cousin Senemon Misawa and his son Katsuzo visited Heizo's home. Heizo learns that Senemon has fallen in love with Katsutoshi, a woman who...
Onihei Crime Files Special: Okatsu from Yamabukiya
First business trip away from Tokyo in a while,
Shinkoyaki and other croquettes in Asahikawa
Mystery writer Kosaku Asahina scores yet another scoop in a case that occurred in the streets. He even personally conducts investigations and...
Crime Mystery by Kosaku Asahina: Tragedy of Hanasaki Village
Taxi Driver's Mystery Diary 37 - Mystery of Double Homicides from Tokyo to Hamamatsu
The body of a young woman is discovered in a park in Tokyo with all her organs removed. The case is assigned to Detective Inukai, a usually cool and...
Kirisaki Jack no Kokuhaku
A man’s body is found in the suburbs of Tokyo. The dead man was hit by a car and his head beaten by the reckless driver after the accident. The...
Nagai Nagai Satsujin
Follows the life of an Office Lady who gets through her tedious work days by dreaming of a legendary soup and soup chef she's heard of. She decides...
The Soup of Heaven
Family Court Investigator Akira Yamanobou 2
A musical- style comedy movie set in Hakata.
Hakata Movie: Chinchiromai
Akina (Umika Kawashima) and Takumi (Kodai Asaka) have been dating since high school. Akina started working as a bus tour guide in Saga Prefecture...
Love Stories From Fukuoka 11: Kimi to miru keshiki
Hairstylist Shota Kawamura (Kento Hayashi) lives in Paris, but returns to Osaka when he learns his mother Sumire Kawamura (Yoshiko Tokoshima) his...
Aozora Cut