Ultraman Zero, the rookie Ultraman from Tsuburaya Productions’ 2009 theatrical movie returns, and getting full-fledged. However, he is...
Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial
The film stars Seishiro Kato as Rantaro who is sent to a ninja training school by his parents. During the summer, their teacher is invaded by a group...
Ninja Kids!!!
Takuma knows that his life is shorter than the others and he feels that his demise is getting near. He chose to stay away from the girl that he loves...
I Give My First Love to You
Part-time worker Hazuki lives with her younger sister, high school student Koharu, and their mother Sawa. One day they receive word that their...
Capturing Dad
Hyasaka Yukari only wants one thing: to enter the college that her mom wants. One day, she meets an extravagant group that loves fashion. They were...
Paradise Kiss
Chiyo, a 59 year old mother of 4, had lost her husband seven years ago. She will soon lose her home so she is offered by her eldest son, Ryoichi to...
Shimazaki Sanpo is an experienced mountain climber and rescue team volunteer. Sanpo loves the mountains and wants as many people as possible to...
Peak: The Rescuers