Two woman and a man set up a detective agency. What passes for a story follows two of their cases. The first involves a glamorous woman who has found...
One Night Stand
Xing Lin Chun Nuan
Erotic Story
Hong Kong Action film
Undercover Eagle
Lu-lu's Deeply Love
A beautiful stranger, Yan-Hong (who is one of the Roses), wanders into Inspector Liang's office, takes her gear off, then turns him into a...
Beauty Evil Rose
Endless Temptation
Hoping to run a restaurant, a father and daughter must contend with the restaurant's chef, who owes many debts.
The Unpublicizable File
Xiao Lan's adoptive father is addicted to gambling. Even worse he loses every time. He borrows from the elder sister of the brothel to gamble and...
Call Girls '94