The movie revolves around Mitsuba, who studies traditional art of rakugo. Rakugo is a form of comical story telling, sometimes referred to as...
Talk, Talk, Talk
Segment 1 - actress Saki Aibu plays a woman who doesn't do anything. Segment 2 - actress Asami Mizukawa plays an unlucky woman who messes up a man....
Women Play Twice
An omnibus movie that centered on "tutors"
Hōkago Tachi
Hiromi works in a posh French restaurant. One day, he meets an ordinary-looking old man who has a discerning palate. He is no ordinary cook, and can...
Shooting Stars in the Twilight
A vast wheat field, a straight road that has no end, a sky without a single building in sight – this is a town in the country where time...
Into the Faraway Sky
The story of a woman who lost everything.
Cardboard House Girl
The story follows Hariko, a junior high schooler who moonlights as an illusionist, experiencing a meteoric rise in popularity and newfound financial...
Panic 4 Rooms