Fujiko Mine, the devastating femme fatale whose only loyalty is to her desire, befriends a young boy whose late father hid away a fortune. A killer...
Lupin the Third: Fujiko's Lie
Reinhard von Müsel, a poor nobleman's son, one day discovers that his sister, Annerose, has been sold to the royal family. To get her back he...
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Golden Wings
An adolescent with the ability to control a looming war-golem becomes entangled in the Experts of Justice's fight against the infamous group Big Fire.
Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still
The period of late World War II, Toshiko was living in downtown Tokyo with her family. Japan was more towards losing the War at the time and people...
The Glass Rabbit
Sequel to "Nomugi Pass"
Ah! Nomugi toge - Shinryokuhen
Shishio's plan is enacted while Kenshin and Misao help defend the city.
Rurouni Kenshin: New Kyoto Arc: The Chirps of Light
A spin-off of Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still A wild and crazy adventure involving Daisaku defecting to BF (here Blue Flower), lots of...
The Mighty Gin Rei