High school student Ichigo Kurosaki lives an ordinary life, besides being able to see ghosts and the blurry memories of his mother's death under...
Hisashi and Mai are a happy couple in their 20s who are engaged to be married. But three months before their wedding, Mai becomes seriously ill. Her...
The 8-Year Engagement
Five outstanding researchers from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s crime lab are gathered and given powers for special investigations...
ST Keishichou Kagaku Tokusou-han
In this high-octane slugfest, a group of badass female students are forced to battle a gang of criminals. Even with their short skirts and leather...
High Kick Angels
Haruna is a lively tomboy in the 5th year at elementary school. One day, while playing with Hiroyuki, a boy whom she has known for a long time, they...
Child by Children