Based on novel by Kuniko Mukoda, "Haha no Okurimono" tells the story of a soon to be married couple and their respective mothers. On the eve of Akiko...
Haha no Okurimono
Chinami (Erika Sawajiri) works at a fabric shop, dreaming of one day working in the fashion industry. By accident, she begins work in the editing...
First Class
A genius sushi chef travels to New York to battle it out with the local competition there.
Sushi King Goes to New York
A story about the special friendship between Phan Boi Chau and Japanese doctor Asaba Sakitaro, which began 100 years ago when Chau went to Japan to...
The Partner
Miyuki receives an invitation from her friend Hikune Youhei to the themed inn called "Ruins", located in a virtual ghost town haunted by the legend...
The Files of Young Kindaichi: The Legendary Vampire Murders