Youssef is a hotshot anesthesiologist who often sleeps in his car for privacy. Laila is the careerist host of a late night radio call-in show. These...
The Aquarium
In the fading grandeur of downtown Cairo, Khalid, a 35-year-old filmmaker is struggling to make a film that captures the pulse of his city at a...
In the Last Days of the City
Egyptian short film starring Laila Samy
The Elevator
Adapted from the short story " Let's play a game " by the Italian writer Alberto Moravia . It's a strange story between a little girl and her...
A Game
The film revolves around a man who can spend all of his life in a difficult life by lying and cheating. He is connected to a girl who seeks to marry...
Cairo: a 70-year-old building of once-luxury flats with tenements on the roof. Zaki, an aging libertine, feuds with his sister. Pious Hajj Azzam...
The Yacoubian Building