Set in the summer of 1961 during President Nasser's land reforms, this is a story of the childhood friendship between Yasser, the son of a bourgeois...
Summer Thefts
Taymour and Shafika have grown up together as next door neighbours and are deeply in love. However, their love is put to the test when he is assigned...
Taimour & Shafi'aa
Shams is a young girl who resides in the local neighborhood of Ain Shams. The life of the family turns into a tragedy when they learn their young...
Eye of the Sun
In Alexandria, Fatma needs money for her youngest son's weekly kidney dialysis. She travels to Cairo to beg away from home, after she collects enough...
Movies Scenes
Fajr is a famous temptation star, and the heroine of the first feature film of a young director. She rejects the kissing scene in the film, which...
Kiss Me Not
Hatred generated from an early age between on and Yusuf, ended the first rings migration on to Ukraine and Prison Joseph on his hands in Egypt, and...
The Dealer
The film revolves around three brothers of the same father, "Munir dangerous" . "Samir" (Ahmad Fahmy), is doubler of the artist Ahmed El Shakka in...
Samer & Shaher & Baher
A woman who suffers from AIDS decides not to surrender to the fatal disease. She exerts huge efforts in trying to recover or by helping those who...