A mysterious Dopant only known as the Donburi Dopant appears. Philip discovers that the only way to defeat it is to find out what kind of donburi...
Kamen Rider W: Donburi's Alpha/Farewell Beloved Recipe
Fugitive Jack is doing everything in his power to evade both the police and gangsters. Assuming he’s in the clear, he moves in with Keiko, a...
Tokyo Elegy
Rintaro directs a tale of three children who visit a land of wonder. This is the first "3D anime" that Madhouse has produced. Oh, and there are...
Yona Yona Penguin
An entry in a series focused on "love" and "erotica," in which six creators from multiple fields - from film and TV to direct-to-video and manga -...
A Woman's Mind and the Winter Wind Change Often: Immoral Kitten