The plot is based on the story of a village demented youth. He is a local fool, living in a poor hut with a sick mother. His neighbors are the Jewish...
The film follows two student cinematographers who, as the war approaches Moscow, refuse to be evacuated and instead volunteer to be front-line...
First Oscar
The average Moscow taxi driver starts suspecting that there is something wrong with his clients, who keep going about the city. Mysterious...
The film introduces us to the story of a young man who doesn’t think about tomorrow. For the romantic, courageous, windy and reckless lad,...
The Fragiles
On October 25, 1917, construction of a new world began in Russia. One of the foremost workers in this construction was the writer Andrei Platonov....
Сокровенный человек
Petya is a representative of the carefree Moscow youth, and in one day he goes through a test of friendship, love experiences and, finally, an...