A genuine satiric comedy, based on real conversations - both amusing and sad - overheard by a journalist in one of the most expensive Moscow...
Till Night Do Us Part
The film is based on the early songs of Viktor Tsoi. This is a story about a young slacker, easy and fun going through life. He strumming a guitar...
The main characters of the film are residents of different places of this country, most common people, with whom most uncommon things, pure wonders,...
The Wonderland
A modern take on the classic novel by Alexander Pushkin. Vladimir is a successful banker and a regular at trendy night clubs. Masha is a diligent...
Alex glides his mouse tenderly over online images of Vika. He has been smitten ever since he saw her with her friends and cannot get her out of his...
World War II. In autumn 1941 the German troops completely surrounded one of the biggest Russian cities — Leningrad. 2,5 million civilians...
A Siege Diary