Police Inspector Mikhail is investigating the murder of a young woman whose body was discovered in a forest. As the body was mutilated, the victim's...
A Shared Life
The action of the film takes place in a small provincial town and is divided into four short stories connected with each other by storylines.
State of Emergency
Young and Happy
Middle East in the Seventies... Soviet and Dutch officers are stuck together in the UN Observation Station.
Cairo-2 Calls Alpha
Wife of a young successful businessman Philip dies. He body is found near a cliff. Tatiana begins her investigation.
Grandma Ada
Veronika, the heroine of our story, is married to Viktor Arzaus, an investigator at the Prosecutor's Office. To the outside world, the couple appear...
Love on two poles
The boy caught a goldfish and without begging for anything, lets go. In gratitude, the goldfish decided to give the boy a new imported bicycle, which...
Goldfish in city N
Lucy Ermakova works as a waitress in the officer's dining room of the flight garrison. Her son Valka dreams that he had a dad, and always a pilot....
My Dad is A Pilot