A story of a legendary battle, where seventeen fearless warriors defend their land against an army of thousands well-trained soldiers. In...
Ivan Demarin, a young officer of Peter the First’s new guards, follows the Tsar’s order and goes to the frontier town of Tobolsk, deep in...
The Conquest of Siberia
The film tells how in the summer of 1942, on the approaches to Stalingrad, Wehrmacht soldiers were blocked by the defenders of Altitude 220....
Height 220
There is a foundation in the provincial city that supports homeless people with disabilities, people with disabilities and the poor. However, the...
Unnatural Selection
An unexpected look at the ancient Greek myth of Perseus. The musical and dramatic performance is staged both traditionally and innovatively. There...
Gorgon Medusa. Rehearsal with the Orchestra
The dreams of passionate street dancer Anton are crushed when an accidental injury makes him deaf. But it is exactly at this difficult time that he...
The Battle
Nikita, a former Russian Spetsnaz operative, is hired to neutralize the large private security force at a local factory so that his shady employer...
Russian Raid
The story of the Podolsk cadets’ heroic stand outside Moscow in October 1941. Cadets were sent to the Ilyinsky line, fighting alongside units...
The Last Frontier
Zhanna returns from Moscow to the city of her childhood, having learned that her father is dying. She did not communicate with him for the last 20...
Rock It, Stone Fish!