Nabat is a victim of feudal relations in the circle of the modern Asian elite. Having found a young wife, a rich and high-ranking boss drives out his...
The Unlucky Indian Woman
The film takes place in Turkmenistan during the Second World War. Here, at a small railway siding, chance brings together Zina, whose husband...
Your Brother Is My Brother
While investigating a murder case, prosecutor Halima Bazieva receives from a bandit nicknamed Black a cassette tape exposing the machinations of...
The Death of a Prosecutor
Fifteen-year-old Aina is going through her first difficulties. For the first time, she felt lonely and unprotected. The father left after the...
Bai Kakabai, who fiercely hates the Soviet government, goes abroad with his family and servants. He is followed by the Nurali and Dodur brothers. The...
The Sad Tale of Love