In an ideal world of the near future, an exemplary hero commits an act that threatens to ruin his life. Having become an outcast, he must make a...
A lyrical and philosophical story about the lives of ordinary people: acquaintances and strangers, relatives and just met. Their lifelines are...
It Happens to People
Victor is the owner of a trendy restaurant, but things are not going well in it. The only hope is for New Year's Eve, because all the tables are...
New Year's Chef
The sought-after and spoiled actor Slava loses everything at once - contracts, popularity, good relations with his family. However, the protagonist...
The Buried Talent
Lonely young seamstress Masha rents an apartment from widower Valery, who recently lost his beloved wife. Unable to come to terms with the loss,...
Sergei and Kira were considered the most beautiful bohemian couple among cinema lovers of Saint Petersburg in the early 90’s. Their fantastic...
Anybody Seen My Girl?
This is a story about exciting events that occurred in the life of the smallest soldier - the hero of the Great Patriotic War, six-year-old Sergei...
Soldier Boy
The story of the Podolsk cadets’ heroic stand outside Moscow in October 1941. Cadets were sent to the Ilyinsky line, fighting alongside units...
The Last Frontier
Russian comedy drama
A House for Rent with All the Inconveniences