A chronicle of the life of an illiterate Russian peasant woman between 1909 and 1921, focusing on her private life and major historic events in the...
Once There Was a Woman
The story of a young Chechen and his Russian captor during a war between Russia and Chechnya.
A film version of the famous Mukhlisov gang case. In May 2001, an audacious robbery of a collection car of one of the commercial banks of Almaty took...
Seven Days in May
One of the country's top family psychologists unexpectedly decides to run a free experimental course using psychodrama techniques. The therapist...
The Soldier tells us about the military operations taking place in the years 1965-1973 when a group of Russian military operatives carried out the...
The Soldier
By the age of twenty, Eduard Streltsov has everything one can dream of: talent, fame and love. He is the rising star of Soviet football. The whole...
The action takes place shortly after the end of the Second World War in the Siberian hinterland, among Russians and Germans with damaged personal...
The Edge