The film consists of three independent parts: "Workmate", "Déjà vu" and "Operation Y". The plot follows the adventures of Shurik...
Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures
Zorka, the daughter of wealthy parents, is in love with the poet Domyanovich, whom she has never seen. When he appears at her parents' house under a...
An Ordinary Man
A factory crew of seven young people is taking responsibility of a young criminal.
Seven Babysitters
Student Shurik has just two hours before the beginning of the exam and he has no lectures notes.
The Green Flame
Kak rozhdayutsya tosty
Fate Plays with a Man
The end of the 1940s. Test pilot Aleksei Kolchin was commissioned for the first time to fly the first Soviet jet fighter. The tests are successful,...
They Conquer the Skies
First animation about Gena and Cheburashka. Gena the Crocodile works as a zoo animal at an urban zoo. Every evening, he returns home to his lonely...
Gena the Crocodile
The Most Important