Young Maxim grows up under the czarist regime with his grandparents as guardians. Continually demeaned by his martinet grandfather, Maxim is drawn to...
The Childhood of Maxim Gorky
The cinematic adaptation of "The Storm" play by Aleksandr Ostrovsky. In a provincial town on the Volga River, the young and sensitive Katerina...
When German knights invade Russia, Prince Alexander Nevsky must rally his people to resist the formidable force. After the Teutonic soldiers take...
Alexander Nevsky
Based on the Russian fairy tale Father Frost.
Second entry in Ukrainian director Mark Donskoy's "Maxim Gorki" trilogy. Picking up where 1938's My Childhood left off, the story covers the years in...
My Apprenticeship
A comedy starring Nina Shaternikova, The Skotinins is loosely based on the 18th century play The Minor by Denis Fonvizin. In it, the upper class is...
The Gentlefolks of Skotinin
A young man travels to Mars in a rocket ship, where he leads a popular uprising against the ruling group with the support of Queen Aelita, who has...
Aelita: Queen of Mars
The film tells the story of Judas and Satan wandering the world in search of a virgin who could become the mother of the new Evil.
Maiden's Mountains
"Polikushka" was the only film directed by Aleksandr Sanin, one of Moscow Art Academic Theatre's founders, and is based on Lev Tolstoy's homonym...