A gripping war drama that tells the story of Maria Petrova, in whose fate, as in a mirror, the fate of the country was reflected: the daughter of a...
Drama film about different lifes of twin brothers.
Kerosene Salesman's Wife
"Your husband is sleeping with your student" – Olga finds such a note in one of the bouquets that were presented to her in honor of her...
The Riddle of Fibonacci
Alevtina Romanova is a warden in the woman's colony, and the only thing that is different from her «iron lady» image is her voice - a...
Light Up!
The director of the orphanage, Andrey Mast, is fighting the lawlessness reigning there and introducing strict rules. The new pupil Inna opposes these...
Terror strikes when a heartbroken woman uses black magic to get her husband back.
Dark Spell
Moscow, 1952, mid-October, the XIX Congress of the CPSU had just ended. A communal apartment on Bolshaya Pirogovka. In one of the rooms lives the...
Here's to You and Us!
With World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Russian Civil War as backdrop, it's an old-fashioned, blood-and-guts narrative, filled with...
Quiet Flows The Don
Young architect Anna Zavyalova is betrayed by her lover. Pavel not only abandons her for a profitable marriage, but also appropriates her project. It...
Zhenya, simple and extremely good girl, living in a hostel, and works as a trolley bus driver. The main thing in life for her - to help people. She...
Happy Route
The story of the Podolsk cadets’ heroic stand outside Moscow in October 1941. Cadets were sent to the Ilyinsky line, fighting alongside units...
The Last Frontier
In 1957 French student Pierre Durand comes to Moscow to do an internship at Moscow State University. Here he meets ballerina Kira Galkina and...
The Frenchman