Confessions From the Grassy Knoll: The Shocking Truth
JFK Remembered: 50 Years Later
American Expose: Who Murdered JFK?
Jackie Without Jack
Durante años, los hombres del Servicio Secreto responsables de proteger al presidente John F. Kennedy guardaron silencio sobre el magnicidio...
Los secretos del caso Kennedy
Basada en una historia real, Sean Penn interpreta a Sam Bicke, un hombre desilusionado con su vida pesonal y profesional que en 1974 intentó...
El asesinato de Kennedy: 24 horas después
The Kennedy Mystique: Creating Camelot
A Tour of the White House with Mrs. John F. Kennedy
The Mysterious Career of Lee Harvey Oswald
Marilyn Monroe's Last Press Conference
An Ordinary Texas Homicide
Kennedy - Una famiglia...una nazione
ETs Among Us 7: UFOs, CIA & the Assassination of JFK
Opening Night
JFK: The Lost Inaugural Gala
The Liberal War
NUMEC: How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb
Prince Jack
The Kennedy Curse: An Unauthorized Story on the Kennedys
Israël et le double assassinat des frères Kennedy
JFK Assassination Files: The Case For Conspiracy
Wie starb John F. Kennedy?
A Letter from Rose Kennedy