Esta película documental trata sobre la batalla de San Pietro, un pequeño pueblo de Italia. Más de 1.100 soldados...
San Pietro
Let There Be Light
En este documental Capra y Litvak explican con gran solvencia cómo y por qué los Estados Unidos se mostraron reacios a entrar en la II...
Why We Fight 7: La Guerra llega a Estados Unidos
Your Job in Germany
Easy to Get
The Army Nurse
Welcome Home
Why We Fight
The Vote
The Japanese Army and Navy
The Line Is Busy
Civil Disturbances: Principles of Control
Just for Remembrance
Have You Killed a Japanese Soldier Today?
Mind Your Military Manners: Military Etiquette and Grooming
Pleasure of Your Company: Military Etiquette and Grooming
Look Like a Winner: Military Etiquette and Grooming
The Enemy Strikes
Angel in Overalls
Liberation of Rome